Thursday, December 27, 2018

Important clarion call from our @BernieSanders

Bernie Sanders

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Let me take this opportunity to wish you a very happy holiday season and a wonderful new year.

Whenever I am asked about running for president in 2020, I answer that if I am the best candidate to beat Donald Trump, then I will probably run. That is the truth.
If that happens, the political, financial and media elite of this country will stop at nothing to defeat us. You know that. We’ve lived through it together once before. Our ideas terrify them. So what they will do is try to divide us up with attacks — some old, some new — and our political opponents will spend obscene sums of money on ads to defeat us.

I just did not expect the attack ads to begin before I even made a decision. But they have…

Right now, a group of Wall Street Democrats known as the Third Way is running ads in early primary states — Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina and Nevada — calling me out by name and saying our ideas, like Medicare for all, are a path to defeat in 2020.
They not only want to discourage or defeat a Sanders candidacy, they want to make sure that the progressive agenda is not advanced by anyone. They want us to go back to their failed corporate approach which has led to a massive level of income and wealth inequality, a bloated military budget and a failure to address the crises of climate change, a broken criminal justice system and inhumane immigration policies.

Last time we ran, we made the financial elite pay a price for their attacks on our progressive agenda. It is just as important we do it again today:

Our agenda terrifies the political and financial establishment of this country.
But the truth is, their agenda should terrify all of us.

Our ideas will lift people out of poverty, they will guarantee health care as a right for every man, woman and child, and they will make certain that every person in this country with the ability and the desire can get the education they need, regardless of the income of their family.

Ours is not a radical agenda. It's the agenda the American people want.
Their agenda, paid for by wealthy campaign contributors, has led to record levels of inequality, a health care system that costs more per capita than any other developed nation while leaving millions uninsured and underinsured, and grotesque amounts of student debt that rob many of our young people of their futures.

Theirs is the agenda that made Donald Trump possible. Ours is the agenda that will defeat him.

And that’s why it’s so important progressives stand up to their attacks today:
In 2016 we faced the kitchen sink. If we run again, you should expect no less. But the political revolution is stronger and larger than ever, and they will be no match for us if we’re in this fight together.
In solidarity,
Bernie Sanders

Paid for by Friends of Bernie Sanders
(not the billionaires)
PO BOX 391, Burlington, VT 05402

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Important message from Mayor @BilldeBlasio about Mike Espy (@espyforsenate) senate race in Mississippi

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“A private Republican poll last week found Ms. Hyde-Smith’s lead over Mr. Espy had narrowed to just five percentage points.”
- New York Times, 11/19/18


Election Day has come and gone, but we still have one more chance to win a Senate seat for Democrats - in Mississippi.
I know - normally, we wouldn’t consider Mississippi a good pickup territory for Democrats. But my friend Mike Espy is in the middle of a very tight runoff campaign there - he’s closed the gap and is now polling just 5 points behind his Republican opponent. That’s very close to the margin of error.
Recent history - like Doug Jones’s win in Alabama - shows that Mike can win. But the runoff election is just one week away, and Mike needs to turn out the vote. That’s why I have to ask, right now:
When Mike wins next week, he will not just be another vote for Democrats in the Senate. He will make history as the first African-American Senator from Mississippi since Reconstruction. This will be especially meaningful because his opponent has resorted to racist dog whistles on the campaign trail and brags about suppressing the vote. Even her biggest corporate donors are publicly demanding their money back - her comments are that bad.
It’s time to send a message and bring this one home - so please, while there is still time, support Mike Espy’s runoff campaign and help us win the last Senate election of 2018.
Mike and I are counting on you.
In solidarity,
Bill de Blasio


Paid for by Fairness PAC, 137 Montague St, #371, Brooklyn, NY 11201.
Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.

Friday, November 9, 2018

I am writing to ask you to make an important $27 donation to Stacey Abrams', Andrew Gillum's and Bill Nelson’s campaigns. They are fighting to make sure every vote is counted in their close races, and they need our help ~ @BernieSanders

We are going to make sure every single vote is counted in Georgia and Florida.

Bernie Sanders

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Tuesday night was an historic night for progressives across the country, for our political revolution and for the revitalization of American democracy.

Nationally, the voter turnout was 50 percent higher than in the last midterm election and, importantly, millions more young people voted.

We made significant gains in the House of Representatives, ending one-party rule in Washington. Further, the new class that will be coming in is extremely progressive and will have more supporters of Medicare for all than ever before in our nation’s history.
Democrats also replaced Republican governors in seven states - Michigan, Illinois, Wisconsin, Kansas, Nevada, New Mexico and Maine. They also captured some 300 legislative seats in state houses all across the country.

Further, voters in “red states” like Idaho, Nebraska, and Utah voted to expand Medicaid. Missouri and Arkansas voted to expand the minimum wage. Automatic voter registration and marijuana decriminalization passed in Michigan. And more than 1 million felons have regained the right to vote in Florida.

There will be a lot more to say about some of our victories soon. But today I want to call your attention to three races and candidates who still need our help.

First, in Georgia, Stacey Abrams’ gubernatorial campaign faced relentless efforts to suppress the votes of people of color ahead of her election. Now her opponent — who oversaw those efforts as Secretary of State — is trying to crown himself the victor well before all the votes are counted. This race is close enough that it could go to a runoff, and the Abrams campaign is now fighting to make sure every last vote is counted.

In Florida, both the race for Senate and Governor are within a total that triggers an automatic recount. Like Stacey Abrams, Andrew Gillum faced some of the most vile racist attacks of the 2018 campaign. Both he and Bill Nelson spent down their campaign funds to try to win their races. Now, they both need our help to pay staff and legal fees to mount their challenges. 

And with the stakes this high, we need to stand with them. So I am asking:
Elections should be about candidates making the best case they can to their constituents and letting the voters decide. What elections should not be about in a democratic society is winning because your opponents are prevented from voting or failing to count their votes.
We are not going to let that happen in Georgia or in Florida. That’s why your donation is so important.
In solidarity,
Bernie Sanders

Paid for by Friends of Bernie Sanders
(not the billionaires)
PO BOX 391, Burlington, VT 05402
 To support Bernie with a contribution, click here.