Wednesday, August 1, 2012

NRA in Court to Stop Protections to Condors, Eagles

Bald eagle

Just moments ago the National Rifle Association took legal action to block the EPA from protecting wildlife and people from being poisoned by lead hunting ammunition left in the wild.

Today's legal action challenges the Center for Biological Diversity's suit, filed last month with allies, to get the EPA to finally regulate toxic lead in hunting ammunition.

These outrageous attacks need to stop. Please make an emergency gift today and help us stand up to the NRA's assault on wildlife.

As I've written to you over the past two weeks, millions of birds are needlessly poisoned every year by toxic lead ammo left in the wild, including bald eagles, swans and endangered California condors.

Under the federal Toxic Substances Control Act, the EPA has the authority to stop this lead-poisoning epidemic with common-sense solutions -- but the NRA is using its muscle to throw up roadblocks to any new safeguards.

The NRA is bound and determined to keep the EPA from doing its job in protecting the millions of birds who die every year after being painfully poisoned by lead bullet fragments.

That's why we need your urgent support now with a gift to our Condor Defense Fund. Help defend the EPA's ability to regulate this deadly toxin and ensure not one more condor, swan or bald eagle is poisoned by lead bullets.

The Center has been working since 2004 to end the preventable lead poisoning of birds and reduce health risks for people eating lead-shot game.

Lead poisoning is the leading cause of death for America's ancient, critically endangered condors. Please make your gift today to stand up to the NRA and protect these extraordinary birds, along with other wildlife, threatened by lead poisoning.

We've faced this challenge before and know the NRA will stop at nothing to keep us from protecting endangered wildlife -- so we're in for a bare-knuckle fight.

Thank you for standing with us,
Kieran Suckling
Kierán Suckling
Executive Director
Center for Biological Diversity
P.S. The best way to protect millions of birds and animals from lead poisoning is to stop the NRA's attack in the courts and continue our work to end the needless deaths of condors and other wildlife once and for all by getting lead out of our environment. I hope you'll consider a generous gift today.

P.P.S. If you have trouble clicking the links above, insert this URL into your browser:

Photo of bald eagle courtesy USFWS.
All donations to the Center for Biological Diversity are tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law. Our tax ID number is 27-3943866.
When donating online to the Center for Biological Diversity, always confirm that the donation page is located at or

Center for Biological Diversity
P.O. Box 710
Tucson, AZ 85702

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