Thursday, September 20, 2012

Elizabeth Warren debates Scott Brown 7 PM -- view it online or on CSPAN #wbzdebate

Elizabeth Warren for Massachusetts

It's a big day.

Tonight at 7:00 pm Eastern, Elizabeth will square off in her first debate against Scott Brown.
But even though she'll be the person answering the questions tonight, Elizabeth needs you to help her win the debate. We need you to do three things:
  • Tune in. The debate will be televised live at 7:00 pm Eastern on C-SPAN. You can also watch the debate online at

  • Remind your friends. We want as many people as possible to watch tonight's debate. Not just people who already support Elizabeth, but people who haven't made up their mind yet. Remind your friends to watch the debate via email or Twitter -- or use our Facebook event to invite your Facebook friends.

  • Join the Twitter rapid response team. Follow Elizabeth on Twitter for live debate updates from our campaign. Then help us spread the word by retweeting us, posting your favorite quotes, and letting people know who you think won the debate. We'll be using the hashtag #wbzdebate tonight.
Tonight, Massachusetts voters will finally get to hear for themselves the huge differences between Elizabeth and Scott Brown's visions for the future. Let's make her voice even stronger tonight!
Thank you,

Mindy Myers
Campaign Manager
Elizabeth for MA



All content © 2012 Elizabeth for MA, All Rights Reserved
PO Box 290568
Boston, MA 02129
Paid for by Elizabeth for MA

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