Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Cesar Chavez movie opening weekend ~ @UFWupdates

Cesar Chavez movie opening weekend: 
What you can do.
Invite your friends and family to see Cesar Chavez, the film, with you. Click here for a simple "how to" toolkit & have your viewing get-together listed on our opening weekend online calendar of events.
Films are judged by how well they do the very first weekend they're released at the box office. Let's help guarantee that Cesar Chavez stays on the big screen and plays in more locations. Join with people across the nation to pack local theaters on opening weekend, March 28th-30th. For a full list of participating theaters, visit http://www.chavezmovieseeit.com or fandango.com

Organize a meet-up to watch the film
Step 1 - When & Where
A full list of participating theaters can be found online at: http://www.chavezmovieseeit.com/find-a-theater-near-you or at fandango.com.

Step 2 - Create your event
Set up your gathering any way that works best for you--whether at the theater or other location. It would be great if you register your meet-up through our online tool @ http://bit.ly/1egkJro, so others can join your event.
*Note: If you’re already on the UFW listserve, you will need to push "forgot password" to access your account and create your event. Our listserve will automatically send you a password.

Step 3 - Invite your community
Invite your friends. Invite your family. Invite your neighbors. Our tool will let you e-mail them invitations. Or join a meet-up someone else has already set up in your area. See what others are organizing at: http://www.chavezmovieseeit.com/
* You might want to either buy a block of tickets ahead of time using Fandango or another service, or suggest your attendees buy tickets in advance.

Special Red Carpet Events
United Farm Workers
& UFW Foundation Present 
Cesar Chavez:
An American Hero

Be a part of it. Purchase your tickets now!
Click on a venue below for information on how to buy your ticket(s) to the special VIP fundraising reception and/or the movie screening w/panel discussion.
Additional UFW Movie Fundraisers

Check out our website at: www.ufw.org and keep up with the latest news.
Check out the UFW's Social Networking pages. Click to visit our Facebook, YouTube, Twitter pages. Become our "friend" and follow us.
Sign up for the UFW List Serve.
United Farm Workers,  P.O. Box 62, Keene, CA 93531, http://www.ufw.org

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