Monday, May 27, 2013

All hands on deck to help Leonard Peltier's fight for freedom #humanrights #indigenous

The fight for the freedom of Leonard Peltier Continues
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Leonard Peltier LPDOC

All Hands on Deck


We write today to make both an announcement and a request

The announcement is that we have asked Indigo Cantor to take a larger role in the strategic operations of the LPDOC as a liaison.

Indigo will help co-ordinate projects and supporters to help reach maximum effectiveness toward Leonard's freedom. She is very open to ideas and suggestions that you may have. Communication is KEY, so talk with her when you need things or have ideas.
We believe she is an innovator and that her very positive energy will be just what we need at this time. She will also help with Congressional and legal efforts and will report directly to the board. 

"Indigo is an extremely important asset to the Committee, everyone please welcome her with open arms; we need everyone's cooperation in working with her, she is very valuable to us, has come in at a critical time, and we're grateful for her."- LP

Many good people have come and gone in these long years and each and every one has contributed to the effort and has made a difference. The job has been daunting and many have stayed as long as they could but were eventually compelled by life and its responsibilities to move on. Most have been steadfast in the fight for many, many years. The gratitude we have for ALL of Leonard's supporters has NO bounds.

Yet here we are, and Leonard is still locked up in a steel cage almost 2000 miles from his family and home.  

You know it and we know it. It's time.

SO, here is the request: we would like to issue a call for All hands on deck!! 

As of May 2013, there are a number of strategic efforts in the works, some of which are not being made public at this time in order to properly launch them for maximum benefit to Leonard.  Leonard and the board have extreme confidence these strategies will bring forth exciting results you will all be proud and energized to be a part of. 

After 38 years of working toward a goal and not realizing it, frustrations and tempers are bound to grow and need a place to go.  We must transform any negative energy or frustration into POSITIVE action! Leonard DEPENDS on it, his life and well-being DEPEND on us working in unity and cooperation. There can be NO other way.

Remember, All hands on deck. Many of you have special skills you can offer, be it writing, technical, organizing, marching, etc.   The time is NOW, to put our efforts together and push in the same direction at the same time.

This is, quite likely, Leonard's last real chance for freedom. 
When his transfer was denied last month the Prison casually told him he could reapply in two years. Leonard's health and age may not allow for that. 
In two years he may not have the stamina to apply for anything. Or worse. 

In the Spirit of Getting Leonard out of Prison!!!

-The LPDOC Board of Directors. 

Copyright © 2013  The Leonard Peltier Defense Offense Committee ( LPDOC), All rights reserved.
To find out more about Leonard Peltier, Please visit his official website at:
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