Monday, May 27, 2013

Fair elections lobby day in Albany NY May 29th #votingrights

Fair Elections Lobby Day in Albany: 
Join a bus or carpool leaving from Woodside
Host: Rameera R.

Where: Burger King (69th and Northern Blvd) (in Woodside)

When: Wednesday, May 29, at 8:15 AM

Can you come?
Click below for more details and to RSVP:
Yes I'll be there!
I can't make it.
What: New York is on the verge of passing a Fair Elections law that could break the grip of big money on our elections by allowing candidates to qualify for public financing. Will you be part of the final push at our Fair Elections Lobby Day in Albany this week? Join a bus or carpool to the New York State Capitol to make your voice heard and tell lawmakers face to face that you want real democracy! There's a group leaving from Woodside at 8:15 AM on Wednesday. Can you make it?

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