Poke the Bee Hive, Rock the Boat, Cross the Line,
Speak Truth to Power
Father Roy Bourgeois and Medea Benjamin
Thursday, May 2, 7:30
The Brecht Forum 451 West Street, NY, NY 10014
Come support two leaders who have sustained the Antiwar Movement for decades. Join the growing resistance against U.S militarism, targeted killings through robot warfare and gross human rights violations. Be a part of the struggle for justice, dignity and accountability that Father Roy Bourgeois (founder of the School of the Americas Watch) and Medea Benjamin (CODEPINK/Global Exchange co-founder) embody through their eloquent words and evocative actions.
Father Roy will report back
on the latest developments in the 22 year struggle to close the School of
Americas including direct action at the border with Mexico, encounters with
leaders in Latin America (six have pulled their troops from the SOA!) and tell
why he was excommunicated by the Vatican for standing up for the rights of
Medea will enlighten us
with excerpts from her explosive new book Drone Warfare: Killing by Remote
Control and relate some of her daring exploits with CODEPINK: at the US Social
Forum in Tunisia, within the U.S. Senate Chambers and beyond. She recently
returned from Pakistan where she traveled with families of drone victims.
Thursday, May 2, 7:30
The Brecht Forum 451 West Street, NY, NY 10014
Come support two leaders who have sustained the Antiwar Movement for decades. Join the growing resistance against U.S militarism, targeted killings through robot warfare and gross human rights violations. Be a part of the struggle for justice, dignity and accountability that Father Roy Bourgeois (founder of the School of the Americas Watch) and Medea Benjamin (CODEPINK/Global Exchange co-founder) embody through their eloquent words and evocative actions.
Join the resistance and learn how to become part of the solution.
Suggested Donation $15.00 Rsvp annedwl@aol.com 917 860-1794
Directions: http:/brechtforum.org/direction
For more info: www.SOAW.org www.codepink4peace.org

Directions: http:/brechtforum.org/direction
For more info: www.SOAW.org www.codepink4peace.org
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