Over the weekend, another
positive poll came out for our campaign — one that showed us within single
digits of Hillary Clinton in Iowa for the first time.
I want you to read this note I
received from a supporter last week. It speaks to some of the reasons we are
doing so well in Iowa, New Hampshire, and states across the country:
"I am unemployed. I am uninsured. I am a recent college
graduate who graduated with a 3.75 GPA. I am going through a difficult divorce
and I have $27 dollars in my bank account. I donated 10 of my remaining 27
dollars because I believe if Bernie is elected I will not have days like this.
Days where I stress about where my next meal will come from. Days where I
cannot go look for a job because I do not have the gas money to pound the
pavement. Days where I cry when thinking about the unpaid medical bills and
student loans in my name. I believe things will change. I am making an
investment in a person I believe in with the hope that he will change my
homeland for the better."
Our campaign is doing so well
because we are telling the truth about the reality of American life today. We
are talking about a reality in which most of the new wealth and income in this
country are going to the top one percent while working families are struggling
more than at any point since the Great Depression.
Our success is also because over
400,000 people have contributed to this campaign, even though some, like the
author of the note I shared, can hardly afford it. Through our campaign, the
American people are finally telling the billionaire class: "ENOUGH is
ENOUGH, this great nation and its government belong to all of the people, not
just a wealthy few."
But we still have a long way to
Ray, make a contribution to
our campaign today, and not only will we win Iowa and New Hampshire, but we’ll
win the presidential election and take the White House back from the
billionaire class.
If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express,
your donation will go through immediately:
Let me tell you another thing.
This campaign doesn’t have a Super PAC, and I don’t spend a lot of time asking
rich people to contribute to our campaign. And even if I did, it would probably
be a tremendous waste of time.
We will sink or swim based on
what we get from the working families of this country. And I could not be more
proud of the way we’ve funded our political revolution.
Here are two more stories I
received from campaign contributors last week. I want you to read them — they
are important:
"I lost my job in 2012 and my house in 2015. I am currently
unemployed and looking for work. I don't have a lot of money and barely
surviving on food stamps. Despite all of that, I am compelled to donate because
I feel that Bernie Sanders will help bring America back to the middle class. A
small donation now in exchange for a better future is a no-brainer. The
inequality gap must be fixed!"
"I am broke. I was a proud union electrician. I have never
donated money to a politician before however, as broke as I am, I trust Bernie
and want to say that I am a part of this revolution. God bless him!"
When we started this campaign,
the word "fringe" was tossed around a few times. No one is using that
word any more.
Every day, thousands of people
are joining our political revolution. It’s why we are leading in New Hampshire,
within single digits in Iowa, and closing the gap nationally with each passing
day. If we continue to stand together, we’re going to win.
We will win in 2016. Not just the
White House, but the U.S. Senate, U.S. House, and statehouses across the
country because we are creating an unprecedented grassroots movement which taps
into the American people’s desire for real change in this country.
Our success wouldn’t be possible
without you.
In solidarity,
Bernie Sanders
Paid for by Bernie 2016

PO Box 905 - Burlington VT 05402 United
States - (855) 4-BERNIE
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