In less than a week, voters in
Washington will head to caucus locations across the state to make their choice
in the Democratic primary. So Bernie and Hillary Clinton are heading there on Tuesday for dueling events.
Bernie is speaking at an arena
that holds more than 17,000 people, free of charge. Hillary Clinton is going
with a more … expensive event, one that costs as much as $50,000 in bundled fundraising to meet
her at a private reception.
Here’s the truth: Bernie doesn’t
go around begging millionaires and billionaires for campaign contributions
because he believes you can’t change a corrupt political system by taking its
money. This campaign is funded by working Americans, and it’s an important week
for all of us.
Tomorrow we
find out the results from Democrats Abroad where we should do well. Democrats
in three states make their choices for the nominee on
Tuesday, and Washington caucuses on
Saturday. It’s an important stretch, and that’s why Bernie
wants me to ask:
Contribute to Bernie’s
campaign today and
we’re going to have a very, very good week, reclaim a number of delegates, and
continue on our path toward the nomination.
Late last
week, Bernie drew an enormous crowd of 14,000 in Utah.
Huge audiences have showed up to watch him speak at multiple events in Arizona,
and he’s spent considerable time in Idaho as well.
Meanwhile, Hillary Clinton has
taken a number of days off the campaign trail to raise money. When you
contribute to emails like this one, it allows Bernie to spend his time doing
what candidates for the highest office in the land should be doing: talking to
voters. That’s why your contribution today is so
important — it gives us a real advantage in states where Bernie can spend a
good amount of time.
We’ve had this
week marked on the calendar from the beginning of the
campaign because this is when the map shifts dramatically in our favor. We’re
excited to share some big victories with you in the next
few days, and if you continue to stand with Bernie, we can
win this nomination.
In solidarity,
Jeff WeaverCampaign Manager
Bernie 2016
Paid for by Bernie 2016

PO Box 905 - Burlington VT 05402 United
States - (855) 4-BERNIE
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