This holiday season, OccupySupply is bringing dinner.
Our 106 local member liaisons have been doing an outstanding job delivering thousands of union and American-made cold-weather items to over 75 occupations across the country — items that you helped purchase. To help celebrate the holiday season, liaisons in cities from Tucson to Trenton will provide holiday meals for the occupations made from union- and locally-produced foods.
Liasions will be working with their occupations to buy union-made foods like Butterball turkeys, Hormel hams, See's candies and Mother's Kitchen pies. They will also make an effort to shop locally from union grocery stores and markets, and will be sensitive to the dietary restrictions of their local occupiers.
We need your help to feed the over 75 occupations now served by the Occupy Supply fund. Can you please donate $25 or more to help us buy union and/or locally-produced groceries for the protesters during the holidays?
Donate $25 or more to help us feed the Occupy protesters a delicious union and local meal this holiday season.
Click here to donate:
It's simply not true that the 'occupation' aspect of this movement is coming to an end; all you have to do is look at the growing number of encampments that reach out for our support each day.
The last few weeks have been tough for many occupations as they’ve faced a growing number of raids and evictions. But while police can tear down tents and disperse encampments, they cannot suppress the spirit and energy that drives this movement. We hope our holiday meals will give a much-needed morale boost to the occupations during this difficult time.
Thanks to your generosity, the Occupy Supply fund has raised an unbelievable $146,096 in about 8 weeks. We've spent $143,821 -- almost all of it -- on union/American goods: from warm hats, to heavy jackets, to thermal underwear, socks and scarves. With your help, we will continue to do so throughout winter and beyond.
As always, 100% of your donations to the Occupy Supply fund will be used to purchase and distribute goods to the occupations. Our liaisons will work with the protesters to buy the groceries they want - and in some cases are even cooking for occupations lacking kitchens or any way to prepare food.
Staying well-fed is one of the most important things you can do to keep warm as the temperature drops. Occupations face a considerable challenge when it comes to food, between enduring violent police raids and assisting the swelling population of homeless, disabled and unemployed folks who have come to depend on the occupations for basic needs.
Buying the occupations a nice, union and locally-produced meal will not only be good for their health, but also a great morale boost. Please join us in giving the occupations a hot meal this holiday season.
Help us continue our efforts to support the Occupy movement with values-driven goods and donate $25 or more to buy union/local holiday groceries for the protesters.
Thank you so much for everything you've done to support this project - from helping us purchase union and American-made clothing, to helping secure shelter and now feeding the Occupiers.
Your support is a true testament to what we're capable of doing when we come together around a common cause.
In solidarity,
Jane Hamsher
Founder & Publisher,
P.S. I apologize for the high volume of emails lately, but we've been working hard to maintain the highest levels of support for occupations across the country. I can't thank you enough for all you've done.
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