India Arie with Idan Raichel 29th Annual San Francisco JAZZ Festival Saturday, October 15th 8:00PM Paramount Theater Oakland 2025 Broadway, Oakland CA (map) JIMENA is proud to once again partner with SFJAZZ. A double dose of soul brings together Israel's biggest international star and the R&B goddess India Arie. With 18 Grammy nominations and four Grammy Awards to her credit, Arie is a multifaceted creative force - a singer, composer, producer, guitarist and flautist who broke through with 2001's monster hit Acoustic Soul. Her new album, Open Door, is an expansive musical dialogue with keyboardist Idan Raichel, who set Arie's probing lyrics to a multi-cultural array of Hebrew melodies. He's won an international following by incorporating Israel's daunting diversity in his music, with particular emphasis on influences from Ethiopia and Yemen.
__________________________________________ JIMENA at the 4th Annual Bay Area Israel Advocacy Retreat Saturday, October 29th San Gregorio, CA
JIMENA is pleased to participate in the Fourth Annual Bay Area Israel Advocacy Retreat led by the Israel Peace Initiative. A weekend retreat for Bay Area university students, JIMENA speaker Caroline Pettel will present her personal experience of life and exodus from Iraq. Caroline, a Bay Area resident, was one of the last Jews to leave Iraq in the mid 1970's and in addition to sharing her personal story, she will provide historical facts related to her community.
JIMENA Student and Members Adovacy and Speaker Training with Avi Goldwasser
Tuesday, November 8th 6:00PM UC Berkeley Campus
JIMENA is pleased to present David Project Co-founder and Executive Producer and Director of the film Forgotten Refugees, Avi Goldwasser, at UC Berkeley Campus. A unique opportunity for students and JIMENA members from all over the Bay Area, Avi will present best practices for public discourse and debate, as well as key speaking points regarding the JIMENA narrative. The program will commence with an introductory narrative from one of our JIMENA Speakers' Bureau Members.
Students: Free! Suggested donation of $15
Libya's Exiled Jews and the Arab Spring
David Gerbi inside the Dar Bishi synagogue. Tripoli. October, 2011 |
Wednesday, November 9th 7:00PM - 9:00PM Congregation Kol Shofar Tiburon, CA
Join JIMENA's President and Tripoli native, Gina Waldman and the Director of the Film, Forgotten Refugees, Avi Goldwasser for an intimate discussion and examination of the Arab Spring. Gina will reflect on her expulsion and discuss the implications of the Arab Spring on her Libyan Jewish community, the ongoing anti-Semitism that plagues Libya, and the treatment of minorities in the region.
____________________________ Joseph Braude ten-city book tour for The Honored Dead
Joseph Braude, fluent in English, Hebrew, Arabic, and Farsi, was the first Western journalist ever to secure embed status with an Arab security force. He was given access to "a commonplace murder that appeared to be a robbery gone wrong. His investigation led him to a radical cleric, a wealthy Jewish man, and the victim's best friend who insisted the true story of the murder had been covered up by the powerful. "A scholarly and perceptive observer, Braude intersperses the cloak-and-dagger narrative of the murder mystery with digressions on Morocco's history, geopolitics, and culture; the country's rich Jewish heritage; the role that magic, sorcery, and dream interpretation play in Moroccan society. This lyrical and engrossing book puts a human face on this 'moderate, constructive player' in the politics of the Middle East, giving readers a firsthand glimpse of its glittering religious, intellectual, cultural history--and its future." -- Publishers Weekly Thanks to the sponsorship of the Jewish Book Council, Mr. Joseph Braude will embark on a ten-city book tour to promote The Honored Dead. Please visit Mr. Braude's website where you can purchase a copy of the book and learn more about his fantastic work as a journalist. Albuquerque, NM Thursday, October 27th Albuquerque, JCC. 7PM. Youngstown, OH Monday, Ocotber 31st. Youngstown, JCC. 7:30PM Dayton, OH Tuesday, November 1st. Boonshoft Center for Jewish Culture and Education 7:00PM. Cincinnati, OH Sunday, November 6th. Mayerson JCC. 7:00PM. San Diego, CA Monday, November 7th. North County, Dove Library. 2:00PM. Detroit, MI Thursday, November 10th. 1:00PM & 6:00PM. JCC of Detroit. Austin, TX Saturday, November 12th Austin, JCC 8PM. Dallas, TX Monday, November 14th. Dallas JCC. 7PM
__________________________________ Harissa, Honey & Hyssop: The Food of North Africa
 On exhibit in the Katz Snyder Gallery
San Francisco JCC November 15, 2011 - January 30, 2012
Israeli photographer Nelli Sheffer captures and contextualizes the beautiful - and very local - food of Egypt, Tunisia and Morocco in this exhibit. Sheffer, who specializes in culinary photography and cookbook illustrations, has published two books on international food with art publisher Harry N. Abrams and contributed to more than 70 others.
Dear Members and Friends,
In light of the Arab Spring and in response to exiled Libyan Jew, David Gerbi's return to and violent blockade from his native synagogue in Tripoli, Libya JIMENA has launched targeted efforts to raise awareness to the ongoing anti-Semitism and mistreatment of minorities that continues to plague parts of North Africa and the Middle East. As an organization dedicated to sharing and preserving the history of nearly one million Jews who were expelled and displaced from their indigenous Arab countries, JIMENA speakers offer journalists, students, and the public a unique and evocative perspective of the Arab Spring. Members of JIMENA's Speakers Bureau have spoken widely to the media and live audiences, sharing their stories of exile and views on current events in North Africa and the Middle East. Click here for a partial list of articles about the Arab Spring mentioning JIMENA and featuring news pieces written by and about our members and friends. If you have a peice you would like to share in our next newsletter, please get in touch with our office.
With much eagerness, members of JIMENA's Speakers Bureau are available for interviews and presentations examining the Arab Spring, modern day anti-Semitism, and mistreatment of minorities in North Africa and the Middle East. We remain dedicated to serving as a resource center for anyone intersted in learning more about the subject of Jewish life and exodus from Arab countries.
Sincerely, Sarah Levin Director |
Following calls for deportation, Gerbi to return to Rome
Destroyed Synogogue in Libya |
By Lisa Palmieri-Billing Jerusalem Post October 10, 2011
A few hundred angry protesters gathered in central Tripoli on the eve of Yom Kippur on Friday, calling for the deportation of a Libyan Jew who has been trying to reopen a synagogue sealed since ousted Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi expelled the country's Jewish community in 1967.
The protesters carried signs reading, "There is no place for the Jews in Libya," and "We don't have a place for Zionism." Read More... |
David Gerbi in front of Tripoli's Dar Bishi Synagogue. October, 2011 |
Op-Ed: The Arab Spring and the Necessary Litmus Test
By Aymenn Jawad Al-Tamimi
Israel National News
October 6th, 2011
Throughout the ongoing unrest in the Middle East and North Africa, endless streams of ink have been poured over the issue of what is to come in countries like Libya, which has recently witnessed the ousting of Qaddafi. Will Libya be another Iraq, an Islamist-dominated nation, or a stable liberal democracy? So these questions have been asked innumerable times. Perhaps now we should be wondering: What might be a good indicator or litmus test of the direction in which Libya is going? Read More....
Saying Goodbye to Egypt Again By Lucette Lagnado
Egypt's Nasser acknowledges supporters on June 18, 1956 |
Wall Street Journal
September 17, 2011
Since the revolution in Egypt last January, the drumbeat of disturbing news has been nonstop-from the sexual assault on an American reporter in Tahrir Square, to the rise of the Muslim Brotherhood, to the ongoing harassment of Coptic Christians, to the horrifying mob attack on the Israeli embassy in Cairo last week.
For me, watching the Egyptian revolution has been an intensely personal affair, and my disillusionment has also been personal: I fear that I am about to go into a second exile, from a place that I'd come to love. I worry that in its democratic turn, as in so many other things, as goes Egypt, so goes the rest of the Arab world. Read More.... |
Blog: Why are Refugees still Israel's best-kept Secret?
By Michelle Huberman
Protestors at HARIF rally |
Jerusalem Post
October 6th, 2011
Alan Franck was one of the bystanders I gave a leaflet to when I was at the Forgotten Refugees Rally in Trafalgar Square in London last week, organised by Harif and the British Israel Coalition. Timed to coincide with the UN Durban lll travesty, the rally's purpose was to bring attention to real racism - the ethnic cleansing and intolerance of non-Arabs and non-Muslims in Arab countries - Jews, Berbers, Kurds, Copts, Baha'is, Assyrian Christians and other minorities.
Alan used to be a sympathiser with the Palestinian cause. As he was swept into their campaign, he started searching for more information on the Internet. But what he discovered shocked him. Read More.... |
With Some Passing on Gefilte Fish, A New Lure: Fish 'Meatballs' By Lucette Lagnado
Manischewitz has traditionally made Jewish foods like matzoh-ball soup |
October 7, 2011
Wall Street Journal
For years, gefilte fish-plump little patties of minced fish-has been the Jewish holiday treat that some Jews love to hate.
These days, some say they've moved on. "Tradition is important but it needs updating-it doesn't have to be only about gefilte fish anymore," says Chany Konikov, a rabbi's wife in Southampton, N.Y., who also likes poached salmon and sushi.
Even Paul Bensabat wasn't that impressed when he tried it. "Boring," he says. "Pretty bland." And he's co-CEO of Manischewitz Co., one of the largest producers of gefilte fish. Read More....
JIMENA Speakers Want to Visit You!
JIMENA Speakers Bureau is
composed of 20 trained public speakers who share their personal and familial stories of Jewish life and displacement from the Middle East and North Africa. If you would like to have a JIMENA speaker give a talk to your school, organization, or group, we encourage you to contact us. JIMENA's skilled and accomplished speakers are available for engagements throughout North America and we would be happy to provide a program appropriate for your audience.
Calling all Airline Miles!
JIMENA's Speakers Bureau program unites speakers with audiences all around the world. Donate your unused airline mileage to JIMENA and help us reach more people!
Preferred airlines include: American, Southwest, Jet Blue, United, Continental, Delta, Lufthansa, British Airways, Air France and El Al.
Please contact Sarah Levin at or 415-626-5062 with questions. |
JIMENA is Generously Supported by: |
JIMENA Advocacy Kit JIMENA recently printed the second edition of its Advocacy Kit, which includes information on public speaking tips, 10 country biographies & bibliographies, ARM method of debate with JIMENA talking points, and JIMENA public speaking templates. We have already circulated the kit to numerous Hillel Houses, Jewish organizations, and schools and would be happy to make it available to many you! If you would like a copy, please email |
The Kanbar Charitable Trust: Administered by the Jewish Community Endowment Fund of San Francisco the Peninsula, Marin and Sonoma Counties
The Saal Family Foundation
Private donors and philanthropic funds
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